
Saturday, April 17, 2010

First Post

My current dilemma is determining what type of cookbook I will attempt to cook through. Since my children are (currently) 6 1/2, 5 1/2, and 4 I will be cooking mainly for me and my husband, although I'd like to expand my children's palette. Selecting the Julia Child's book at this point in my children's lives is undo able. I've considered working through the Martha Stewart cookbook, however I admit I don't think I have all the gadgets that her type of cooking would require.

At this point I am leaning towards more practical cooking, such as Rachel Ray or possibly Paula Deen. At first mention of the project (not the accompanying blog) my DH wasn't that helpful with suggestions. It looks as if I might need to take a trip to the library or a store in order to see what type of cookbook would best work into my life.

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